Kia tupuolaola e moui he Tagata Niue – “May the Tagata Niue thrive” is this year’s theme for Faahi tapu he Vagahau Niue – Niuean Language Week. Premier of Niue Dalton Tagelagi took part in the online special celebration via video link to share his support and encouragement for the week long celebrations. More than 30,000 Niueans reside in New Zealand.
High Commissioner of New Zealand to Niue Fisa Pihigia says while the world is dealing with a global pandemic he encouraged the Niuean community to make sure they play their part to protect their family and get vaccinated.
He had this message to the Niue community “Do all you can to encourage our people to take up vaccination … do the right thing.” According to Minister for Pacific Peoples Aupito William Sio, Niue has achieved a 97% vaccination rate of it’s eligible population.
As well as the week long celebrations, Niue will celebrated its 47th constitution celebration of their government on October 19.
Image Credit: Ministry for Pacific Peoples / NZ Government